The other day I was able to get in one last run on Maui, just 30 min. but enjoyable. Today I hit Alii Dr. and went 30 min. (about 2.75 miles) down to the pier and back. Met Maureen (loyal crew and spouse) part way, so we walked the remainder together. While on the road today I observed several runners and cyclists who looked like they were seriously training. I absolutely have to say that after 10 mins of running this morning that I now understand the impact of the climate on athletes. I was entirely dripping most of the 30 mins I ran. Understand and respect. Once you begin to feel it you get it completely.
For fun we drove part of the bike course out towards Waikaloa and did some shopping and hit the sand at Anaeho'omalu Beach Park. This is a beauty of a beach with palms in the sand and a huge fish pond. You can find it easily on an entry road abutting the Queens Shopping Center. Buses often park by the gate, once you see it you know you are there. It has facilities, fresh water, and a killer view. Nice for swimming. While there we learned about the Naupaka shrub whose bud resembles a half flower. Very unique and there are two varieties of these growing on the island, one on the beach and the other in the mountains, when you put the buds together they form a whole blossom. This is also the basis of a sad love story about the separation of two lovers by an angry goddess, Pele. http://www.aloha-hawaii.com/hawaii/naupaka You have to check it out.
Tomorrow swim in the harbor. Part of the swim course, about a quarter mile, is marked with buoys. I should be able to give it a few laps. So, a hui hou, see you on the road.
Swimming at "Dig-me" beach. Love it. And yes, Kona is blazing hot. If you get a chance, try a run at mid afternoon down by the energy lab. That's the turnaround for the Ironman run course.