Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Workout summaries- volume low, good intensity. Swim 4.20 mi. 4:45; bike 36.4 mi. 3:05; run 10.35 mi. 2:15; total distance 51 miles, time 10:05 plus 3:15 yoga and weights.

Major accomplishment yesterday Monroe Y 5K. My goal was 30 min. and my actual time was 29:40. It was a cold morning, 40s, course was flat and dry, some cross wind. I placed 5th in my age group and 85th overall (about mid pack). I'm very pleased with the outcome.

The next few weeks will be mixed with days of inactivity, travel, and family commitments. So my training will be less consistent. I'm really not sure how it will work out.

A hui hou, see you on the road.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Midway through October

The past week was a low volume, same number of workouts 12+ (4 yoga and weights) in preparation for the Dawg Dash 10K on Sunday. Training report first then 10K results.

Training summary: swim 3 mi. 3:30; bike 46.5 mi. 3:05; run 13.5 mi. 2:40; total distance 63 miles, total time 9:15; yoga class 2:00, weight training 2:00; total training time 13:15.

Dawg Dash 10K: cold, 50 degrees; raining miserably before and at the finish. 1083 finishers average time 57:28. My time 1:05:08. Last year near the end of the pack, this year much better, overall place 871; dropped 14 minutes from last year.

I am very satisfied with my run and hope conditions will be good this coming Saturday for the Y 5K run. For future training volume should increase somewhat in the three disciplines and I will continue with yoga twice a week and weight training 2 to 3 times per week.

A hui hou, see you on the road.

Monday, October 18, 2010

(Rock)tober training

One month into the new training cycle, feeling excellent, and thinking that I'm right where I want to be. Coming up Sunday Husky Dawg Dash 10K. Hoping to beat last years time, we'll know soon enough. This past week actually had less total time for 14 workouts but feeling really energetic right now. I'm excited to continue on this path and don't want to have any interruptions. However November and December I've got a couple of trips out of town so I'll have to make some adjustments.

This past week's training had one really long swim session, 4150 yds in 2:15 minutes. Master's continue to challenge me at every workout. Total workout time 15 hours, 14 sessions. Swim 5.25 mi. 5:45; bike 62 mi. 3:45; run 6.25 mi. 1:20; 73.5 mi. 10:50; yoga and weights 4:10 min.

Last note, weight has been holding at mid 180s, up from 180 or less during summer. I think this is a combination of increased weight training, yoga, and also creatine and amino supplements, pre and post recovery drinks. Workout calories out about 8050, 575 per workout. Average calories in about 2200 per day. BMR about 1700 per day. 2200-1700/-575= -75 per day. So pretty much a wash. Conclusion, assuming calculations are accurate estimations, gaining muscle weight. Also more energy may be related to Vitality supplement, still waiting to see if this is consistent. Keeping an eye on the weight since race weight is probably 178-180 and don't want to exceed more than 188 in the off season.

Great bike spin with Ginger today (hills) and weight session coming later on in the afternoon. Also had a great conversation with Sandy about Hula Lehualani in Edmonds, a local hula dance halau. Planning to check out the inventory at Run 26, need some new shoes. So, a hui hou, and I'll see you on the road.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Season two weeks 2 and 3

Current training plan is for low volume and intensity. New adaptations include hatha yoga twice a week, some new supplements: Pro N.O. preworkout and Pharmanex Vitality. Masters' swim is difficult at 5:30 a.m. but I feel some improvement in technique and overall speed. Yoga is the hardest thing I do. I'm hoping that my strength program will help my bike.

Last two weeks: swim 7 mi., bike 70 mi., run 14 mi. total time 22 hours, not including strength and yoga- 3 to 4 hours.

Went to Snohomish Community Church/Alderwood Community Church men's retreat at the Younglife Malibu Camp. It was an amazing experience. I've wanted to go to Malibu for over 30 years. I loved the entertainment thanks to Jim and Bruce, aka Nigel and Ammish, Dr. Science, Disco Davve, the roadies, Thunder, and our speaker Bill Paige. I had the opportunity to enjoy the facilities, deal with some issues, and get the Holy Spirit back in the game. I've included a some pictures.

More training to come, a hui hou, see you on the road.