Today we went to Fleming Beach Park near Kapalua Maui. It is a beautiful beach and offered the opportunity to get a good swim workout. It was windy so the shore break was kicking up a little and the leisurely swim looked to be more of a chore. Not to be discouraged, I went right in, elbowed past the body boarders and once in deeper water, managed to start my swim. My route took me out away from the shore at the north end, turning south at the reef and then swimming towards the dragon's teeth rock formation at the end of the bay. Once at the southern end, I reversed back against the current and swam along the shore. I repeated this pattern more or less for two and a half round trips that took 60 minutes. Swimming with the wind and current south was great; swimming back was another matter. I was headed into the current with the swells coming across my body. Not too bad except that I'm a left side breather, so each time I turned for air, a wave crossed over my head. The good news is that once I warmed up, I felt good for the whole swim. The water was warm and about 15 to 20 feet deep with clear, sandy bottom most of the way. This was my longest continuous swim.
Tomorrow is a "work" day at Waikapu. No training. I'll be repairing some concrete around some family graves. But Sunday, I'll be back at it. Aloha, a hui hou; see you on the road.
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