Ocean swim today, Monday. 35 min near Papakea resort. Water felt great but was kind of rough. I was able to find an area with a sandy beach entry and swam a modified triangle within and in some cases over the coral reef along the shore. This is not the best area for swimming but I pressed on anyway. It really does feel great to swim in salt water; it is warm and the challenge of the current and waves helped me to work on technique. I was pretty gassed at the end of the time, I really hoped to go longer. In a couple of days I'll give it another go and see how much I can lengthen my time. There are a couple of beach parks down the road that would be better so I will try one of those.
I don't have any pictures of me swimming so I had to get a snapshot of the closest thing, the Hawaiian Green Turtle, which is faster than this Honu Kanaka (turtle man). Thanks to Google image search. Back to the run tomorrow, see you on the road, or as the locals say "a hui hou."
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