Two weeks wicked fast: Snohomish, Red Bluff, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Disneyland, Palm Desert, San Jose, San Francisco, Hwy. 1, California coast, Albion River Inn, Ave. of the Giants, Snohomish: 3000 miles later. Our last night on the road we stayed at the Albion River Inn, which we stumbled on totally by accident. It was a beautiful coastal inn which I highly recommend if you ever get this way. Beautiful room, view, dinner in the restaurant, and incredible breakfast (included in the rate) all for a reasonable off season 30% discount. Check out the view.
Had an awesome time on the trip and had some workout times which I already posted Apr. 30. These workouts are the last: 3 workout days: swim .5 mi. 30 min.; bike 28 mi. 1:20; run 9.5 mi. 1:47; total 38 mi. 4:57 min.
Starting back on regular training schedule this week with a simulated sprint tri on Saturday. Glad to be home, glad to be back on schedule. A Hui Hou, see you on the road.
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