Monday, May 31, 2010

Decoration Day

Just back from quick trip to K-town AK. Congratulations to the newlyweds James and niece Hilary. Enjoy Kona. For the family, we had an awesome weekend.

Summary: swim 2:05 2.7 mi.; bike 2:15 25.5 mi.; run 1:45 8.35 mi.; strength and stretch 2:10. Total distance 36.55, total time 8:05.

With a couple of interruptions this month, training dropped off some. Four days of training coming up, Issaquah Sprint Tri on Saturday, Sunday off and then back on schedule for awhile. A hui hou, see you on the road.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summary for the week

If you've have been reading along you know that one of the marks of the week was the cycling crash on Friday. I did recover and continued to train and my injuries are coming along well. Only two weeks until my first "official" event and my training is still pretty intense. I'll keep the volume up through next week, then taper a bit(not too much) the following week for the sprint. I know you understand when I tell you that there is anxiety, excitement in the possibility of competition. I'm looking forward to it and the obvious uncertainty of the day; a little scary, the competitors, the course, it is humbling and I will be ready.

Week summary: swim 2.0 mi. 1:45; bike 60.5 mi. 4:50; run 11.45 mi. 2:55; strength and stretch 1:45; total distance 74.25 miles, total time 11:25.

Looking forward to the rest of this week and next, a hui hou, see you on the road.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Ever had one of those days when you have great expectations then bam, just isn't what you hoped for? Today was one of those. I had a nice long ride scheduled, ride out the trail and follow the Lake Stevens 70.3 route to see how it goes. Get warmed up and shift over to the big gear and...the chain spins off and down I go in a heap. So I unclip, get up, fix the chain, check out the bike which now has new dings, and then realize its cold out and my attitude is really bad. Ok so I start off riding, down the trail, leg dripping blood from a really sweet strawberry, but by the time I get to the turn for the Lake Stevens bike route I'm just not feeling it so I decide to just continue on in the relative safety of the trail. Long story short all the way I'm not focused and can't seem to get into the ride. Somewhere between here and there I turn back and retrace my route with the exception of the crash. Back at the car I examine the bike one more time confirming cosmetic damage, and then head home. As for me, I have a really nasty skinned knee, a large bruise on my hip, and a few odd kinks and tweaks which altogether make for a sad boy. In addition to the immediate injuries I won't be able to swim until I heal a bit. This is the fourth time I have bonked. I am not a happy camper at all. I'll be fine in a while but right now not so much.

Oh yeah, I rode a little over two hours and 30 miles so at least I achieved something today. And one more thing, I have been thinking all day I need to learn how to make the transition on and off the bike with my shoes clipped in like the pros. Seems a little funny.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sprint Tri'd

Awesome week following a road trip south. Medium intensity training week, practice sprint tri on Saturday, and Saturday/Sunday on the westside of San Juan Island; can't get much better than that.

Training: swim 2:00, 2.21 mi; bike 2:45, 36 mi.; 1:37, 6.7 mi; strength training 2:30; total distance 44.91 mi., total time 8:52.

Sprint tri: 1/2 mi. swim 0:24; 12 mi. bike 0:45; 3.2 mi. 0:37; 1:46 total excluding transition times. This was a good simulation and I learned several lessons: started too fast in the swim and had to regroup; bike leg was much better than I expected; and it took at least 3/4 mile to find my legs in the run. Many thanks to my Monroe Tri club organizers and club mates for an awesome fun day.

It's a new week and it is week 13 in my training cycle: approximately 14 hrs scheduled; hope I get it all done. Looking forward to the challenge of training and finishing painting the garden gazebo along with general home responsibilities, looks like I will be busy. So, a hui hou and I'll see you on the road.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Just a little road trip

Two weeks wicked fast: Snohomish, Red Bluff, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Disneyland, Palm Desert, San Jose, San Francisco, Hwy. 1, California coast, Albion River Inn, Ave. of the Giants, Snohomish: 3000 miles later. Our last night on the road we stayed at the Albion River Inn, which we stumbled on totally by accident. It was a beautiful coastal inn which I highly recommend if you ever get this way. Beautiful room, view, dinner in the restaurant, and incredible breakfast (included in the rate) all for a reasonable off season 30% discount. Check out the view.
Had an awesome time on the trip and had some workout times which I already posted Apr. 30. These workouts are the last: 3 workout days: swim .5 mi. 30 min.; bike 28 mi. 1:20; run 9.5 mi. 1:47; total 38 mi. 4:57 min.

Starting back on regular training schedule this week with a simulated sprint tri on Saturday. Glad to be home, glad to be back on schedule. A Hui Hou, see you on the road.