The big points of the week included good overall mileage. Also two excellent training sessions with Brian on the bike. This helped my confidence to increase as I worked on pace and rolling hills. We also completed a 1000 yard lake swim followed by a ride. Looking forward to more workouts with Capt. Brian. Amazingly, in addition to all the team support from Martin and Snohomish Bicycle, Martin announced that he would be going to Kona as well, that is Martin and family. How cool is that. Pressure is on to complete to compete. The one discouraging event was trying to crest Lord Hill and only making it about two thirds of the way. Then add insult to injury, making another start on the incline, crashing over while trying to clip in. Fortunately I didn't have any serious injuries, a little skin scrape and a bruise and maybe a little ache or two. My desire to finish the hill was gone and I was so anaerobic that I was gassed anyway. The challenge now is there to go back and work that hill. I can see that I have much to work on.
For the next week I have three hard days and three easy, one rest day.
Monday: race pace swim with intervals of 50, 100, 300, 600 yds. In the afternoon bike with race pace intervals, about 90 minutes total followed by race pace run for 30 minutes.
Tuesday: recovery ride 1:00-1:30.
Wednesday: race pace swim 1:00, afternoon BRick 35 min. ride and 45 min run.
Thursday: 30 minute swim and 1:00 run, both easy pace.
Friday: easy ride 1:30-2:00.
Saturday: Sprint Tri.
Sunday: rest
Boise 70.3 is only two weeks away. My goals are to work hard on work days, rest when available, watch my nutrition, stay healthy. During workouts I will mimic race day nutrition and continue to get ready for the event. Also this week I'll work on my nutrition plan for Boise and make sure I get the supplies I need. Sometime next week I intend to revisit Lord Hill or at least something similar.
Weather in the Northwest this Spring has not been great. We've had only a few really warm days so I'm hoping for good weather here and in Boise for the next two weeks. The next two weeks is to keep intensity up but add in plenty of rest so I will be fresh for June 11.
That is it for now, a hui hou, see you on the road.