Sunday, March 11, 2012

Outseason done; Short Course starting

After 21 weeks of mostly consistent training I have completed my out of season training for this year. During that time I swam 27 miles, 1086 miles of biking, and 207 miles running, for a total of 1320 miles. Benchmarks for the end of this training cycle include 500 yd. swim in 0:10, bike TT 18 mph for 1:00, and 5k run in 0:25 minutes. My current 500 yd swim is 0:12:29, 60 min. bike TT 20 mph, and 5k run 0:31. As you can see I'm closing in on the 500 yd. swim; I have made the bike TT, and the 0:25 5k is within reach. Overall I am very pleased with the results and looking forward to the next training cycle.

I am now switching over to the Short Course training plan which concludes May 12 with the ITU San Diego Sprint. This is a twenty week plan from Endurance Nation and I'm plugging in at week 12. Major changes include more training sessions per week with on average 3 swims, 3 bikes, and 4 runs with an anticipated time of 11+ hours. The time needed to do the swim workouts usually exceeds the projection so 11 hours will be more like 12+ hours. I will also include strength/mobility training on Mondays and Fridays.

The workout plan for this week:
M. Swim 60   T. Bike FTP 60/Run 25   W. Run FTP 60/Swim 60  
Th. Bike FTP 60  F.  Swim 60   Sa. Bike V02 120/R 45   Su. Run FTP

Program design is based on further development of speed. That means tough individual sessions for me but it should help with quicker recovery and less physical stress over the long haul. I am looking forward to the next few weeks. It is my hope that for the long days this crazy Washington weather will cooperate and allow me to get outside more.

Our Tri Team is gearing up again for the next season and I am happy to be included again as an active member. We should have a good presence at local events along with several national events.

Until the next time, A Hui Hou, see you on the road.

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