The outdoor season is just around the corner and I thought I should summarize my basic training, where I started and where I am now. As I assembled some information I was pleased with my improvement and also reminded that "little by little, one goes far."
My active participation is a direct response to our relationship with our cousin Scott, who is an ultra-endurance athlete, and also my fascination with the Ironman Hawaii for years and years. It is also a pleasure that my fitness now is better than it has been for decades. So thanks to Scott Beasley and my personal obsessions.
I started this chapter in my odyssey In August 2009. I started working out regularly and consciously started to train in the three events of the triathlon. Then my jog/runs were single miles at 15 minutes per; bike maybe 5 miles; and swimming laps in a pool was non-existent. Each subsequent month I advanced in volume and intensity. In October I was jogging multiple miles at 15 min. each; biking about 10 mph but not too far; swimming a mile in the pool in about and hour. I ran my first 10K Husky Dash in 1:20 and was not the last finisher.
In November I upped my workouts to 5 or 6 a week following an general plan based on whatever I read last. December was a little let down, 3 or 4 workouts a week, due mostly to travel in California and limited access to facilities. January I got more serious and set some goals, the end goal (fantasy) IM in Kona within 3 years. This of course changed everything. I decided that in addition to the events I should also consciously include some strength training.
January I trained 11 hours per week; February up to 12.5; and in March I trained 12 times per week, 2 per day M-F, 1 Sa 1 Su. I alternate days from bike and strength training to swim and run days. Saturday has been a swim day and Sunday a long easy run day.
That brings me to the present. Now I have run as fast as 10 min. single miles, 13 min. repeat miles for 7 or 8 miles distance; biked 36 miles in less than 3 hours; and swim about 1.5 mph in the pool. I have completed 9 weeks of training out of 24 week schedule for a full IM from the Fitzgerald training guide. Matt Fitzgerald writes for Triathlete Magazine. I have also registered for two Sprint Tri's, Issaquah and Seafair; plan on one Olympic distance, Whiskey Dick or Wenatchee, and hopefully a 70.3 IM in September like Black Diamond.
Just to celebrate a little I have been able to "re-design" my body significantly. In Oct. 2007 I weighed 236, Mar. 2009 221; now in Apr. 2010 a consistent 190. I have worked hard but I have had lots of support from my family that put up with my obsession for training; my favorite local shops Speedy Reedy in Seattle; TriLab Santa Monica CA; Monroe Tri Club and Monroe YMCA; Unison in Kona; some inspiring experiences in Kona and twice at UltraMan Canada; and cuz Scott. Mahalo to all named and not; a hui hou, see you on the road.